I’m not usually a fan of cute names but this one tickles me. It’s not surprising that Amy Wallace credits her babysitting jobs as the thing that led her to more serious polymer work. Teaching her young charges to make beads kept them occupied and made her realize how much she enjoyed the clay.

Amy makes what she calls a "stacker" bead and combines them in many ways. She’s a Cincinnati girl and a member of the Cincinnati Craft Mafia, according to her site. Thanks to Shirley Guenther for the tip.

  • reply Roberta ,

    I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful blog! I’m so thankful for all your links and wonderful polymer clay work collected here! Thanks for sharing all that with us!

    Best regards,

    • reply Diane Christian Budd ,

      cool site. It was great to see the Amy Wallace jewelry here – I have bought several of her pieces & love them!

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