Yesterday's post reminded me of these recent pictures of a slice of a polymer clay face cane that Maureen Carlson gently brought to life. I watched her ease a fresh cane slice made by Klew over a face-shaped dome of clay, transforming it into a much more lifelike piece. I was amazed at the impact of the third dimension and at how simply it was accomplished (in the hands of an expert).

Have a colorful fall weekend.

  • reply Melanie West ,

    I LOVE it!

    I’m not much for face canes, but forming it overa 3D form transforms it into something… well, something else! Very cool. Thanks for the inspiration!!

    • reply Maureen Carlson ,

      It was fun seeing these photos on the site. Thanks! And thanks to Karen Lewis – Klew – for the slice of freshly made face cane which I used to make the sculpted face.

      As for my inspiration, one of my then 14 year old students, Michael Christoph, was the person who first showed me a sculpted millefiori face. I was amazed. It is such a simple idea, but one that had never occurred to me.

      • reply Gin Martin ,

        This is such a wonderful idea! Thank you so much for sharing.

        • reply Marty Woosley ,

          I was lucky enough to get to watch Maureen make this face from a slice of Klew had provided and it was amazing. I want to try it soon but need to make that face cane! I think the secret is having patience and a good size slice along with years of experience and talented eyes and hands. What fun it was to see this transformation.

          • reply Polymer Clay Notes » dimensions ,

            […] a few weeks ago cynthia tinapple posted a picture of a face cane slice that maureen carlson expertly manipulated into a 3-d face. i immediately thought that this technique offered another dimension (pun intended!) for polymer clay artists to explore. no need to limit this to face cane slices – oh, the possibilities are endless! i found instructions that are sure to get your wheels turning this morning. the pictures are a bit fuzzy, but you get the general idea. […]

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