I'm looking forward to a vacation with polymer friends who are wonderful artists and some of whom produce works only for trade, for gifts and for the sheer enjoyment. So I doubt you'll find Colorado's Carol Simmons with a big web site any time soon but you shouldn't miss her work.
These two beads (photos of front and back) set on my window sill and are as wonderful to touch as they are to look at. I can't bring myself to drill holes in them.
Carol's an organizer, a mover and shaker and former president of the national guild. A Monday tip of the hat to those who quietly keep our craft moving forward.
Carols work is one of my favorites in my collection. It’s wonderful work by a wonderful woman.
Jana Roberts Benzon ,
I have loved everything I’ve seen of Carol’s….she is obviously a very talented woman with an eye for color and patterning. Simply beautiful work…
Christine ,
I’m a polymer clay macker from Fance and I come every day to see your new post
Each time I find beatfull things so different from ours overseas !
These bead are so perfect that I understand very well that you don’t want to drill them !!
I hope that my english is enought correct to be understood
Regards from France to all the polymer clay artists form the world !
naama zamir ,
i can see why you like Carol’s work so much it is truely a piece of art- thanks for sharing it
Didier ,
I’m totally caught by the appealing beauty of these beads. It’s amazing if you consider the contrast between the basic shape and the richness of the pattern. It’s definitely my “masterpiece of the day” !
A french supporter
Hello from Europe – Slovenia.
I first saw Carol’s work in Judy Belcher’s wonderful book and I spent quite some time searching the net to find her page or more of her work. I discovered PC Daily a few months ago and I read it regularly. I was extatic when I saw those beads – thank you.
2nd Annual Challenge of Travel Blog Hop ,
[…] envisioned an intricately caned piece, inspired by some of Carol Simmons beads pictured here and featured in PCD many years ago. As often happens though, life suggested other priorities and I had to change the […]