Another Etsy artist with a bit of a seasonal twist for your viewing pleasure.

These polymer clay "Po" characters are from Tomoko, who calls herself a Japanese bird who "perched herself in the New England area and never left." She says of her work, "I can’t explain it well, but Po seems to have this weird presence to lift your spirit up. Whenever I feel a bit cranky, I look at him and I feel better."
In her blog Tomoko shares some introspection and insights into her process. If you’re in the mood for pure sweetness and smiles, visit her Flickr site. Thanks to Cassy Muronaka who led us to the links.
Toby ,
I am glad to report that my Po psychiatrist and patient are working hard and recovering those memories buried so deeply that it appears they are stuck in clay! They are adorable and sitting on my desk for me to show off to my co-workers and patients.
Donna ,
These are charming little guys – they made me laugh out loud! I love them all.
tomoko ,
Thanks, ladies!
Toby- I’m so glad to hear that Po are hard at work continuing their session.
Cynthia- thank you again for featuring Po!