Utah’s Kim Detmers’ creepy crawly polymer clay artforms were a huge hit at the New England Pest Management Association’s winter training seminar and sold out within the first 15 minutes of the conference.

Now her creations can be found not only on on the pest control group’s web store but also on her Etsy site. Last year Detmers sold 650 bugs locally and at Utah Artists Hands Show and the Tubac, AZ Center. I’m particularly fond of the card holder above that she made for a local beekeeper.
Claudia Zafran-Rona (Kim’s fan and student) sent us to Etsy to check out Detmers’ other works like this new line of her art nouveau pins.
I hooked the computer up to the tivo/tv this weekend and spent lots of time on wiring and software and having computer fun with my son….which left me no time for the slideshow this week. Please keep signing the guestbook, the slideshow will be back.
jana roberts benzon ,
I ran into Kim a few weeks ago at the Salt Lake Farmers Market where she has a booth. It was the first time I’d seen her work, and man, is she prolific! So many different items and so many different techniques used in creating them. And yes, her bugs and her mini food items are all just perfect, and so fun to see IRL! Thanks, Miss Claudia, for alerting everyone else to Kim’s work (and how have you been?…it’s been far too long!).
Hi Cynthia!
What a thrill to see that you chose to feature Kim’s wonderful work! I think that she is on vacation now, and hope she will be pleased when she comes back home. Thank you. Claudia
And Jana, yes, it has been too long and you have mail.
Tivo’s the best — especially when you have a son to help with the hook up. Ours gave us Tivo as a Christmas present and it was like Christmas back when you were a kid. What fun! regards, nt
Amelia ,
..thank you so much for sharing the link to Kim’s work!!! I’ve just placed my first [of hopefully many!] order with her via her Etsy shop—LOVE her bugs!