Even though this is a first effort and not my finest work, I had to show you my first YouTube video. My children have been bugging me to get moving on YouTube and I’ve spent hours teaching myself how to edit and record. Whew!
This jigsaw puzzle face cane is a simple and fun technique I learned in a class with Australia’s Michele Fanner. I used the Picasso black and white image for simplicity sake. It works on more colorful and complex designs as well. (I wish I’d spent as much time on the cane as I did on the editing.)
The looped blade tool was an idea from a Mike Buesseler class. I have several that my husband created for me. I’m off to a conference next week and plan to use my newfound skills to capture more snippets for your viewing pleasure.
Lynda ,
wahoo!!! it is excellent!!!
simple but very speaking!!!!
thank you !!
Susan ,
Brava Cynthia! Your debut video is crisp, clear and concise. So easy to follow and you did a wonderful job editing. Face canes are a bit intimidating, but you make it seem possible. PCDaily just keeps getting better! I’m looking forward to more.
Very clear instructions.
naama zamir (naamaza) ,
thanks very very much- the usage of the bended blade was new to me.
just added your tutorial to the growing video tutorials on line that i am collecting and hope that may be useful for polymer clay education
I really liked you video, nice job! I love polymer clay daily, Thank you so much… Patti
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
Excellent, Cynthia!
That was sooooo cool!!!! I can’t wait to see more of your videos!!!
Great job on both the video and the cane. Thanks so much!
Kathi ,
Cynthia…that vid is sweet! Much better then my monster reduction one. I might even be brave enough to make a face cane one day soon after seeing your video!
Barb Fajardo ,
That was fun! Thanks for putting that up Cynthia!!
Judy Dunn ,
Great job, Cynthia!
I check your website EVERYDAY. Wow! That was cool! I would love to see more of your work.
I’m at work where I had to watch without sound — and I need to say it’s very clear and understandable even seen silently, which is a testament to any craft video — language won’t be a barrier. (I WILL have to watch again at home to see what I missed, though!) Brava!
jana ,
Congrats on a beautiful job, Cynthia. Very concise and to the point, plus a beautiful outcome! You done good!
Christie Wright ,
Wow! Wow! Wow! What a fantastic cane. Breaking it down with a pattern guide is so smart. Thank you for all the work that went into making that video.
Melanie Dilday ,
What a MARVELOUS video! Top marks Cynthia. And since I have you here, thanks soooo much for your fabulous blog! What a boon it is to the polymer clay world! Do you have any contact details on Michele Fanner. I’m from Australia and I’ve never heard of her and would love to connect. A google search came up empty.
Thanks in advance!
Amy E Wallace ,
My first face cane looked like Eddie Munster. My second (made 9 years ago) was great, but took a good 12 bricks of black and white to complete with a TON of unused scraps. I never did a face cane again. This method takes out the intimidation, and makes me think it’s time to give faces another shot. Thank you!
Very nice, Cynthia! I may attempt a face cane some day, even though I doubt I’ll film myself doing so. 8^D
marcia ,
Great video. Thank you. I no longer fear the face can. I think I can do this! I think I love you!
Wow! That really gave me a whole new way to do pictorial/ realistic canes…thanks for your hard work and I love your blog.
macati ,
great tutorial! your voice is so calm…
hi nice post, i enjoyed it
jane ,
Brilliant, thank you so much!!! What a fantastic method to do something so difficult. Just might have to march upstairs and try it RIGHT NOW! And to think I was supposed to study this evening!