The first thing you have to know about these polymer clay "Wiiremote" earrings is that they’re replicas of a very popular video game controller. They are made by Thiakosia and sold on Etsy. These clever copies are a hit, appearing on every geek and gadget site on the internet…they’re geektastic.
The second thing you need to know about this post is that it was sent to me by my artist/geek son. Now isn’t that just too sweet? Of course, I’m going to feature it.

One more oddity for your Friday amusement is Dawn Schiller’s Seidh (pronounced "seed"). According to her, Seidh take up residence in empty pods on the forest floor.
Fantasy characters usually scare me but Schiller’s make me smile. Her website is populated with all sorts of happy/creepy creatures perfect for your fall weekend viewing.
I love Dawn’s work. Glad to see it featured here. My son caught me checking your site this morning and went crazy for the Wii Remote earrings – He thinks I should buy them NOW! I hope that doesn’t mean he will pierce his ears – YIPES!
Oh, my! I still have a smile on my face after visiting the website! That was such a fun start to my morning!
Kathi ,
I love Dawns work! I met her…sheesh 4 years ago at one of Klew’s clay camps and she is a wonderful person! I have a couple of her pieces and can’t wait to give her a hug at Sandy Camp. She also has a page in the “Polymer Clay Around the World” calendar which is sweet.
sari0009 ,
Dawn’s work just slays me. 🙂
Kim Cavender ,
I’m a big fan of Dawn and her wonderful creatures. She has a piece in the gallery of my book and I’m the proud owner of one of her smiling eggheads with the stripey legs. I love the people in the pods!
Kim Cavender ,
Just wanted to add that I found David’s work very interesting. I love the “shocking” nature of it!
Oh goodness, I had to look at every single one of those delightful characters. The Seidh creatures are adorable. Now I’ll be seeing every empty seed pod as a recently emptied or soon to be filled dwelling!