England’s Wilfrid Wood sculpts 4" to 12" polymer clay interpretations of people, animals and creatures from his own personal perspective. His pieces may make you laugh or squirm or blush. Part caricature, part fantasy, their unflinching honesty is sure to elicit a response and as Wood says, "…they’re straight from the heart." He talks about his work here.
Wood starts with a pencil drawing then makes a wire armature which he covers with polymer clay. He paints and varnishes the baked clay. Some characters are duplicated in vinyl editions.
Thanks to Susan Lomuto for getting us off to a thought-provoking start this week.
Kim Cavender ,
Simply INCREDIBLE work! I’d like one of each! Thanks so much for sharing Wilfrid’s work, Cynthia and Susan.
Melanie West ,
I gotta agree with Kim – just delightful work!
jana ,
so very cool…
Peg Harper ,
Hi Cynthia,
The blue figure here is a perfect incarnation of the way I feel
whe I need to get my neck adjusted. I always say it’s like I’m wearing my shoulders for earrings.
Thanks again for your great site. I check in every week day to see what inspiration you’ve found for us. I’ve not quite gotten up the nerve to drill holes in our hardwook floors to counter-sink pieces of my work but I sure like what you did there.
Cheers, Peg Harper
Sandra D. ,
I like his talent specially hie precious creatures there make me smile