Israel’s Sagit Levi has mastered the polymer clay pillow bead shape. Her beads juxtapose their soft shapes with a riot of strong colors that look very much like lampworked glass beads.
Sagit uses translucent canes in bolder colors and more dramatic combinations than we’re used to seeing. She’s got Etsy and Flickr sites and more.
Have a bright, bold weekend.
Martha Aleo ,
Sagit’s work is so fun and whimsical. There is so much amazing polymer clay work coming out of Israel these days. I would not know about a tenth of it if not for Flickr. Just when you think you’ve seen everything, something new pops up.
Sagit - Sigaliot Designs ,
Thank you so much for including my beads in this wonderful blog!
I’m really honored and flattered.
I found thisreview after I received a lot of new contact on flickr and one of them told me about that.
It is really great and I appreciate it very much.
Yes, we do have a lot of wonderful polymer clay talents here in Israel.
We’re a small country with great minds and hands 😉
Thank’s again!
Sagit ♥
I am waching long time at Sagits ‘ work. Her colors and design are wonderful.
good luck Sagit
How did you get such a great shine?
what was used to polish the beads? BEautiful
Levi polümeersavist padjad « Emilia Käsitöö ,
[…] Leitud ja tõlgitud siit: https://polymerclaydaily.com/2008/03/28/761/ […]
Janet Pitcher ,
I love these beads, they are so fun, I think I need to have some!