Let’s start the warm weather off with some Crawly Couture. That’s how one Canadian newspaper labeled Wanda Shum’s seasonal polymer clay bug and dragonfly brooches. Here’s a great shot of her bugs.

This Winnipeg Vancouver artist is known for her distinctive glassware and teapots that often incorporate women’s faces among brightly colored millefiori patterns. Wanda’s taking her teaching on the road with a September workshop in Godfrey, Ontario.
Thanks for the blog post, Cynthia…just a note though….I’m in Victoria, BC now!
I love these creatures. They just make me smile!
Awesome, Wanda. I love all your artistry!! Thank you for sharing with the world.
Would like to order some of Wanda Shum’s pieces for resale.
Where do I get in touch with her????
R. Ward
Wanda’s contact info is on her website.
sandra ,
Wanda Shum’s art is fantastic! Thank you for sharing to all the people who like to work with polymer clay.