I’ve been trying to push my polymer clay design ideas a bit further so I was intrigued when I saw how Julie Picarello has been taking her earlier metalworking ideas (top left image) and reworking them for polymer (bottom pair). She’s also got a cute pinwheel shape started from some playful experimentation.

Barbara Fajardo has rediscovered swag-shaped beads, a graceful shape that she wants to explore.
This makes me want to take a second look at concepts that I may have abandoned too soon.
Denise ,
Thanks for highlighting Julie Picarello’s innovative work. She really thinks “outside the box” and I always love viewing her new creations on her Flickr site.
Cindy Lietz ,
This is a great reminder that sometimes reinventing the wheel makes for better wheels!
Sandra ,
Great idea mixing metal with polymer I love it.