I was searching for red, white and blue today in honor of our July 4. What I found was beautiful white – a polymer clay mobile by Mexican artist Geninne Zlatkis that looks like it washed up on the beach.
Geninne is an illustrator and fabric artist who has just a few polymer pieces on her site. I loved her links to felted, painted and crocheted rocks (my weakness).
Geninne has lived in over 50 houses and her husband just designed and built another one that will leave you wanting more. The light and the workspaces in this newest one are breathtaking. Take a look at her old studio here. Great daydreaming and web surfing for Independence Day.
Melanie West ,
Terrific post this morning, Cynthia! And very timely. I’ve been thinkng about making a mobile for a friend (who shall remain nameless). Gerinne’s mobile is wonderful inspiration.
I also love her “snail runes” – very cool!
Happy 4th to you and everyone else who reads this. 😉
Eva/le Loup ,
Hello cynthia!
This article is great! I am always moved by the variations around the White as the necklace of Dan Cormier, the cream aspect of these pearls is very gustative!
I was interested in the subject for a project of very openwork necklace! It is a work meticulous because more there is of holes more it is fragile thus it is necessary to find solutions!
It is a very attractive job, thank you!
Bye for now!
Zlatkis’ illustrates on polymer ,
[…] up by retailers like Urban Outfitters. She occasionally works in white polymer (see an earlier mobile here) which provides a canvas for her signature […]