Don’t you think a little polymer clay vampire ring is a good start to our Halloween themed posts?
This artist (RichmondArt) is a full time dental student and part time sculptor living in Indianapolis. She (I’m guessing female) must be a gamer/geek since her most recent event was the Gen Con convention and she specializes in game pieces and sculptures.
If you’d prefer a full set of teeth, she offers that too. I like the idea of a dental student being this involved in her work!
Eva/le Loup ,
Hi Cynthia!
do you know this woman?
i love and i hate at the same time! A very difficult subject and a height of contradictions.
The dentures, the teeth which persist after the death…
Really hard!
Bye bye
Libby Mills ,
The vampire teeth ring is great!
Lizzy ,
I especially like the red gums!
jana ,
Cool ring! I learned at an early age that some dentists do have wonderful sculpting abilities….my Dad was a dentist, as is my brother, and both made jewelry. One of my greatest treasures is an opal ring my brother made for me as a teenager. I remember both he and my Dad sitting at a desk in our basement with dental tools scattered around, working on various rings. Thanks for bringing back fond memories….
oREm dentist ,
I took jewelry class in highschool and learned how to do stuff like that and found out im really good at stuff like this