Wouldn’t you love to be invited to Lorell Lehman’s Halloween party? Australia’s a bit far for me so I’ll have to enjoy her polymer clay party decorations online. (See the pix from last year’s party. I’m particularly fond of the salvaged and repainted dolls.)
She explains that, “Halloween (and Christmas) seem to bring out the manic in my personality and I can do the work of three ordinary mortals.” On her blog she shows the process for this polymer clay spell book and other spooky party props.

“I used an old, ratty looking book and sculpted directly onto the cover with polymer clay. I embedded a glass eye and some metal findings and the baked the whole thing (watching VERY carefully) for around 20 minutes. I then painted the entire surface with acrylic paints and added spider web and a lovely glass bead tassel. Voila!….creepy spellbook!”
Lorell’s art dolls are even more fantastic and rich with folklore. See some of the newest ones on her Flickr site. Thanks to Barbara Forbes-Lyons for the link!
wow! what breathtakingly sublime talent…
Karina ,
I Love Lorell work is Amazing, Beautiful and Magic ^_^
Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor ,
Wow! She is one seriously creative woman! Would be fun to be her fiend!