Winners of the NPCG Progress and Possibilities competition have been announced and a browse through the gallery of the winners and finalists will brighten the start to your week.
Kathleen Dustin’s “Grass and Pods” neckpiece was judged best in show.
Here’s the direct link to the slideshow.
There are some most beautiful works showcased here…how about if the NPCG took pictures of all the entries? Wouldn’t it be something if they took an interest in the “not so famous” names in polymer clay? It takes a LOT of guts for someone to enter a piece, and for their entry to be ignored is not good. Just because someone’s entry is not as “avant garde” as the NPCG likes doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be showcased. All entries should be on the site so others can learn who the PC artists are, and that they are not alone. The people they ignore today could very likely be the PC leaders of tomorrow…and I, or one, want to know who they are.
Karina ,
Awesome, Unique and Beautiful Creations ^_^
Martha Aleo ,
I saw Melanie yesterday at the PMA Craft Show and got to taste, er I mean fondle, I mean try on her bracelet. It looked and felt wonderful. Congrats to everyone.
Susan Lomuto ,
Congratulations to all of the winners. Beautiful designs and stunning execution. Nice to see a mix of well-known and new-to-me names. Kudos to the NPCG for another exciting competition – well done!
Judy Dunn ,
@Julie Anstaett – Julie, I can truly appreciate where you are coming from. But there are probably space and time restraints that may forbid them from posting all the images on the npcg website. (Perhaps there is a way to post them on Flickr…even by the individuals…a Flickr group maybe of P&P entries??)
You are right that it is scary to enter competitions, and there probably will be people among those entered who will be winning within a few years or more…as long as they keep entering. Every competition has a different set of jurors, a different set of eyes, and different aesthetics. While not all will appeal to our own aesthetic, it is our job as artist to keep making the work we love, trying to make it better each time, and to keep on entering….regardless of the outcome of the last attempt. Just by entering, we look more critically at our own work, deciding whether it will measure up in the eyes of the judges. That act alone moves our work forward.
Julie Picarello ,
Judy…I LOVE yuor suggestion of a Flickr site for P&P entires! It would help to keep us within our disk space allocation while offering participants interested in sharing their work to do so. Just as importantly, it also preserves the privacy of those who would prefer NOT to!
I also agree with you that every competition has an element of uncertaininty. Jurors may all follow the same criteria when evaluating a work of art, but there is no way to control how each piece influences them individually.
And just as our own art evolves, so does Progress & Possibilities. The updated entry categories and the expanded list of both polymer & non-polymer jurors this year was part of the continuing effort to ensure a professional and non-partisan competition.
If there are others in our community who have suggestions on how to improve this event, they would be more than welcome. Even better, perhaps someone with great ideas would consider chairing the event next year…because just like the NPCG Board positions, it is filled by a volunteer!
Kate Clawson ,
Bonnie Bishoffs pieces were stunning! And Kathleen’s necklace and purse are really pushing the envelope. I personally am glad to see such organic designs be so artistically formed and highlighted. All the winners are fabulous and their hours of labor worth every moment to create this memorable works of art!
Judy and Julie…and all others who agree (?)…I truly do appreciate your comments…I guess I was just trying to say that the winners (however magnificent they are!) should NOT be the only ones featured on the NPCG site…they should feature everyone who submitted an entry. We have sooooo many wonderful PC artists that DON’T get featured anywhere, that when they DO get the courage to submit, they should be shown. And what better place to be shown than on the NPCG site???? PC addicts aren’t going anywhere else!!!…well, except for PCD…..
Alisa R. ,
Wow, that Infinity Necklace by Cristina Almeida really captured my heart!
Lenora ,
I also had the pleasure of seeing both Bonnie’s and Kathleen’s and Melanie’s work at the PMA show.
I agree with Julie A’s comments that it would be great to see all of the entries somewhere and with Julie P’s response.
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
Since 2006, the Finalists and Winners have been featured in the PnP galleries.
I think setting up an official Flickr group and having entrants directly add their images is a great idea.