It must be the sound of my husband munching as he watches football in the living room that’s drawing me to these polymer clay earrings by Arkansas’ Wanda Eash.
Her sites (Etsy and Flickr) are a riot of jewelry that glorifies all kinds of Americana, kitschy food and vamping starlets.

Wanda’s art and articles have been published in the best craft magazines and her earrings are being sold in the Jell-O museum in New York. It doesn’t get better than that, does it? Very retro. Very hip. Have a hip weekend.
On her etsy site, she basically says “don’t copy me, or I’ll come after you,” which overall, I would agree with. However, her stuff is all copied from food companies. It is also by no means unique – I’ve seen stuff like this all over.
Keith ,
I wonder–does she have permission to violate trademarks? And how would she know if someone’s copying her stuff, and not the food companies like she is?
I think those are fun, but she might want to check her holier-than-thou-ness at the door.
Wanda Eash - "Craftymule" ,
Hi, Cynthia –
Thank you so much for featuring me in your terrific blog! I’m thrilled to be included with the multitude of fantastic artists you feature here on a regular basis.
I would like to say in response to the first comment noted here that I have received permission to utilize logos from different companies in making items like my kitschy food jewelry. I am proud of the fact that I started this jewelry-making trend a couple of years ago. They were the first of their kind when they first entered the market. If someone is seeing them “all over”, it is because someone else “borrowed” my ideas. Unfortunately, that happens quite a bit in our industry.
I make many original designs which I haven’t even started to list on Etsy. These are the designs that have been featured in many publications. I welcome your readers to check them out on my art on my FLICKR site:
Warmest regards,
Wanda Eash AKA “Craftymule”
I would like to take the time to tell you how amazing your jewelry really is. I have been a customer of yours for many years now and know that you always stand behind your work and the quality of your items. Polymer Dabbler and Keith I think you guys are mistaken. I originally started to buy these items from Wanda when they hit her stores a couple of years ago. And I will tell you, at this time there were no other ideas like this or their kind. I feel that you two should check you ego and the door, swallow your pride and give credit where its due. I think in all reality you two may be jealous because they are not having the success that you are in your designs. Now lets all be mature about this and support each other in our ideas and successes verses bringing others down out of envy. Wanda don’t listen to these people. You have always done an amazing job and you will always have people like these two above who are so jealous of your work, that they will do everything in their power to bring down your spirits and you accomplishments along the way. Keep your head held high and know that there are loads of us who support you in the craft world and truly love your work and ideas. Congrats on the publication. I look forward to buying from you again soon!
Keith ,
Hi Wanda,
I’m glad you have permission from the various companies to use their trademarks. Maybe if you made it clear in you little blurb on Etsy, you wouldn’t run into such negative remarks. Something like–“I have permission to use these logos….”. As it is you just say “don’t copy me”, and it looks like you yourself are doing something not above board.
As I said in my first post, I think these are a lot of fun, and I looked at your other work on flickr, which is nice also.
Wanda Eash - AKA "Craftymule" ,
Thank you, Keith. I appreciate the nice comments.
Lynda ,
It’s amazing!!
j’adore !!!!!
thank you Cynthia
I think the issue about who did what first is always a tricky one. Infact, I expect it was being done somewhere even before you did it. Alot of people don’t utilise the internet to display their ‘makes’ and so you can only ever assume you were the first. I think it is sensible to state clearly on your sites that you DO have guaranteed permission to use the images and politely request that others do not produce exact copies but you can never expect people to never make the brand shown – they belong to the brand manufacturer only!!
“I wonder–does she have permission to violate trademarks? And how would she know if someone’s copying her stuff, and not the food companies like she is?
I think those are fun, but she might want to check her holier-than-thou-ness at the door. ”