Kimberly Hart of MonsterKookies in Toronto gives an edgy twist to her polymer clay cookies and hearts. I’d been admiring her anatomically correct heart pendants and this realistic steampunk version (My Heart Doesn’t Beat, It Ticks) is inspired.
The piece sold as soon as it was posted on Etsy. There will be more to come. You can keep track of Kimberly on her deviant site, her web site, or on Etsy.
Two weeks into the year and you all seem to be ticking items off your lists. Grant Diffendaffer has his Etsy shop up, Gera Scott Chandler has dusted off her blog, and Maggie and Lindly’s new color book is available for pre-order. You go, girls and boys.
marcia ,
I love that ticking heart! Great piece! And of course, Grant’s beads make me swoon. ?
VAharoni ,
Kimberly Hart’s items are wonderful! The kind that make me think “wish I had tought of that”.
I’m tottaly in love with this heart, I think It’s one of the best pieces on this website =]
I would love to start working with polymer clay. I am a novice. Want to know if this clay air dries? Would also love teh newsletter.
Wonderfull website for a beginner. Please send me the newsletter.
Lori ,
This is just devine!
As a former EMT – it “speaks to me.”