Take a look at Germany’s Andrea Will’s (VarUni7) recent flights of fancy.

When I can’t play in my studio, I like to study the work of other artists who are fearless experimenters.
Andrea’s organic shapes from leftovers, pebbles suspended on memory wire and transfers from shells jump out at me as clever ideas to continue exploring (and to try myself).
Here’s her first work that caught my eye.
Cheryl ,
“When I can’t play in my studio, I like to study the work of other artists who are fearless experimenters.”
To be honest, I’m usually afraid to study other artist’s work, because I’m afraid I’ll be influenced and then get accused of copying. It’s happened to me in the past and it’s no fun. These are pretty cool, though.
Thank you very much for posting my work. I was really pleased about. I think it is very hard, not to be influenced by the work of anybody else. But you should always make something of your own out of the inspiration. I hope, I always make it like that.