Utah’s Cody Craynor sent me a link to his meticulously constructed polymer clay faux African chevron beads. Cody is refreshingly clear that his interest is only in the beads, not in making jewelry. He claims that his passion for beads began when he was transfixed by the color and clatter of a bead curtain in his parents’ 1970s bathroom. Take a look at his new site and work.
The mention of African beads derailed my daily research as I remembered earlier faux ancients. Here’s where the wayback machine took me:
• Jamey Allen’s folded beads (as seen on the Polymer Art Archive)
• Desiree McCrory‘s faux chevrons
• Klew‘s folded beads
Play-Doh video
I didn’t quite get the concept of last week’s Play-Doh/shaped cane breakthrough. I missed the part about Play-Doh only being used for a barrier layer with filler polymer layered on top. This video from ArtbyYonat answered all my questions. All reports are that the technique works.
Melanie West ,
Cody’s workmanship is terrific! I’ve tried chevron beads (a la Desiree), and had a very low success rate. The require a lot of time and attention to detail to come out “right”. Well done, Cody!
Thanks for the trip on the Wayback Machine, Cynthia, and the reminder to visit the Polymer Clay Archive site. Looking back is as important as looking forward, imnsho.
I so know how she feels. that’s how I am…no jewelry making…just beads :O)
Leah Bartlett Hagan
Jeannie ,
What a beautiful story on Cody’s blog about the plastic bead curtain. It made me laugh.
Cody your beads a expectional. I can’t imagine not making jewelry with them, but I do get it. Creatively yours, jeannie
Lynda Moseley ,
Beautifully done!
chel ,
I might be crazy, but I think Cody may be a guy- he mentions Cub Scouts and calls himself a “Stuntman” on another entry.
Regardless, I’d love to know how Cody got such perfect Chevrons. And those striped beads are just so beautifully exact. I think Cody is well beyond plastic beaded curtains!
Chel – I believe you’re right…Cody’s a he, not she. I’ve changed my pronouns. So sorry.
Beautifully precise! I like the re-creation of a classic involving a new medium.