Elsa Mora is a Cuban born California artist most recently known for her intricate evocative papercuts. Lucky for us, she’s picked up polymer clay again, sculpting and carving it and mixing it with recycled findings. Her bird brooches look very old…and completely new.

She explains that, “There is something about pins that make me really happy. They are like a little miracles. I often plan my outfits around them. In my collection the most important themes are flowers, birds, bugs, cameos, fruits but I also have elephants, cats, dogs, snakes.” She promises to share pictures of her pin collection soon.
Elsa’s clean quiet website is not only a treasure trove of resources, it’s an oasis of calm. Once you read her story, you begin to understand the calm and the intensity that radiates through all that Elsa does.

Bead Dreams Winners
And speaking of treasure, Bead and Button attendee Libby Mills has posted snapshots of the 2009 Bead Dreams polymer clay winners on her website. First place winner is this “Chinese Cinnabar Big Bead” from Diane Villano.
Official photos will soon be posted but in the meanwhile enjoy the scoop and pictures from Libby.
Lisa Clarke ,
Thank you for the introduction to Elsa Mora – I just spent half an hour on her site, and would spend more time this morning if I had it to spare. I have especially been enjoying her Hidden Seed blog. It makes me want to wear something fun today!
Loretta ,
I second Lisa’s remarks. wow. Wandering through Elsa’s site is a true pleasure. Check out Frida’s Studio. I’ll be passing this site on to many friends.
Cheers and congratulations to all the Bead Dream Winners and Finalists.
That Diane — She’s out to make a necklace for a giantess! Her “big beads” are amazing! But BIG!!
Jeannie ,
I’m speekless. Those pins, those pins are….I can’t find the words. I love Elsita blog, there is something so special about it.
Jackie ,
I love how this artist mixes her media. These brooches are lovely.