It’s June, the month for weddings and polymer clay cake toppers. Australian born Mary Tempesta (MaryMade.it) lives in Italy and has a particular flair for capturing personalities in her cake toppers.
Though the faces and shapes of her creations are simple, she builds character definition through distinctive clothing, hair (the hairstyles are particularly fun) and setting.
You’ll see loads of her finished works on her site along with jewelry, animals, and keepsakes. A browse through her site will put you in a happy June mood.
mary tempesta ,
Cynthia, I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to have been featured on your blog…thank you thank you! I visit it regularly…although for about one month I didn’t. You see the town I ‘live’ in is L’Aquila (Italy) and at 3.32am on April 6 we were woken out of our sleep by the monstrous earthquake which caused us like for many others, the loss of our home. We have to rebuild everything. My work with polymer has been great therapy…and has given me a push to start over anew.
Thank you Cynthia!
(My site is undergoing temporary technical difficulties but it’ll be visible again in a matter of hours). Please do visit!
mary tempesta ,
My site’s back up now!Mary
Jeannie ,
Mary I’m speechless. Your work is unique. Wedding toppers, who knew. I can’t imagine capturing likenesses of people in clay.
mary tempesta ,
Thanks for visiting my site Jeannie!
great site!
sandra ,
Love weddings her dolls make happy any one.