Damm’s spontaneous polymer expressions

This collaborative piece with Christine Damm’s (StoriesTheyTell) polymer beads and Deryn Mentock’s wirework looks just right for Monday.

Christine has only worked in polymer for a year and she explains that, “I have been a potter, a dressmaker, a textile designer, a graphics artist. All my creative paths have led me to this one medium, which awakened my true creative style. It is the most versatile, colorful and technically flexible art material I’ve ever worked in. And it has my favorite artistic characteristic: it allows the most spontaneous expression of my vision.”

Her work shows an ease and confidence that is expressed in simple round beads and complex color. The blogs of both Christine and Deryn are inspirational reads. You’ll find them on Etsy (here and here) too.

  • reply Jeannie ,

    I love all the treasures she found at different fleamarkets, what a great nose for deal and that bracelet by MB..what a find. Her work is very detailed and colorful, it’s lovely. I would love to go to a fleamarket with her.

    • reply Christine Damm ,

      Thanks, Cynthia! Deryn has supported my work and blog in so many ways since the beginning and I was very honored to be able to collaborate on this piece with her.

      • reply Cindy ,

        So glad to see both Deryn and Christine featured together on this collaborative piece. It is a stunning necklace…any one wearing this one would gather lots of compliments for sure. 🙂

        • reply pati ,

          Quoting Christine: “I have been a potter, a dressmaker, a textile designer, a graphics artist. All my creative paths have led me to this one medium, which awakened my true creative style. It is the most versatile, colorful and technically flexible art material I’ve ever worked in. . . . .”
          Aside from the gorgeous necklace…what a wonderful collaboration …I found her quotation extremely inspirational, as our professional backgrounds are so similar. I am new to clay (perhaps 2-3 months) so aside from pure admiration and pleasure, she also gives me a feeling of hopefulness.

          • reply victoria angelica ,


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