It was a pleasure to find four Ohio polymer clay artists at our local art show last weekend. This bright piece with buds, beads and flowers is by Kimberly Arden. Here’s a picture of her fun booth from an earlier show.
And these snapshots of eye-popping purple beads and pendants are from Lori Wilkes‘ booth. I was too busy talking and buying to get good pix of Pat Bolgar and Valerie Wright (here’s an earlier page). The quality of all their works was top notch and made me proud.
Welcome Kim Cavender back to bloglandia this week with a visit and a comment. The time off must have done her good if her new work is any indication. Have a refreshing weekend.
Jeannie ,
Kimberly’s art really strikes a cord with me. I LOVE color. I use a lot of color in my signature designs.
Lori’s necklace is glorious.
Denise ,
This is really pretty! I love the flowers!
Kimberly Arden ,
Thank you for the nice comments- I’ve had many wonderful messages on Facebook as well. Cynthia- this feature could not have come at a better time-My Mom had a nasty stroke on Thursday and our lives are changed forever. Thank you for the diversion. This was a much needed and pleasant surprise!
Thank you for everything.
Rachel ,
Oh dear, where were you in Ohio? I didn’t even know about this. Whoops!
Upper Arlington Labor Day Fair
Alenka Vuletic ,
I love flower necklaces, it is very pretty and eyecatching! Nice vivid colors! Simply adorable!