The eye candy in Bettina Welker’s new book is so engrossing that you’ll hardly notice that the text is in German. Fine jewelry including bracelets & accessories from Polymer Clay is Bettina’s first published work and she’s put her heart in it.
If you’re not familiar with her refined and appealing work, check out her Flickr pages for a sampling.
Kathi Gose is translating the project part of the book into English. A small printed leaflet of the translations will be included with the book. The Spanish version of the projects is ready and a French version is underway as well.
Ronna Sarvas Weltman ,
It is a FABULOUS book. The how-to pictures are so abundant and beautifully-done that you don’t need to understand German to get the techniques. Bettina’s techniques are a great starting point — for instance, the rings on the cover are slick and modern, but the step pictures inspired me to design a very primitive-looking ring that never would have been born without Bettina’s inspiration. And that’s just from the cover project! There’s l-o-t-s more. Buy the book, friends. You’ll be glad you did.
Sabine ,
The rings look deliscious and so inspiring, as is most of Bettina’s classy work I have seen online. Congratulations and good luck with the book , I hope it finds many new homes. I’m saving up for my copy. jetzt bin ich richtig froh, das ich Deutsch verstehen kann. Go girl go.
Kylee (Lunes Bijoux) ,
I am waiting for the books to arrive so we can start selling them at Euro Clay! How exciting – congratulations Bettina!
All your talent and hard work have paid off in what looks to be a colorful, inspiring book that I look forward to adding to my collection! Best of luck Bettina, you’ve earned it!
Bettina ,
thanks girls! These are crazy times – thanks to you Cynthia the orders flow into my mailbox!
Please all be aware that the english translation is not yet printed. But everyone from the US who will order a copy these days will be receiving at least a pdf-file of the translated projects as soon as it is done.
bOOlingas ,
Congrats Bettina!!!!!!!!!!!
Herzliche Gratulation!
Super! Super! Super!
Congratulation Bettina. It is marvelous that you had put your ideas into a book and that you let us be part of your inspirations. Thank you!
Shirley ,
Congratulations Bettina!!!
Congrats, Bettina. I’m so very proud of you!
Susanne D. ,
Just received Bettina’s drop-dead stunning book!
So compact, but full to overflowing with great
tutorials, gorgeous written text, fantastic photos…
An absolute masterpiece!!!!
Great work, Bettina. Really cool stuff. And congratulations on the book. That’s exciting!!
victoria angelica ,
Are there any websites from where i can order the book? How can I do it ?:)
It’s out of print. Bettina may let us know if there are any sources.