More wings! This time they’re on “Angel”ina, the polymer clay fantasy sculpture of Nevada artist Nicole West (wingdthing).
Nicole has an uncanny ability to imbue her creations, from pin ups to pixies, with hyper real features and emotions. It’s easy to see why she was selected this year’s Most Promising Sculptor by her peers on the Deviant Art site.
I’m in the Hollywood vicinity and couldn’t resist the pull of Nicole West’s sexy creatures. Thanks to Andrea Polite for the link.
Jeannie ,
I’m flooring by the realism. I don’t know if I should look away or be amused.
My husband would love it if I did art like this. Very fine artist indeed.
Ronna Sarvas Weltman ,
Any my husband would love it if I … well, let’s just say if I was also this angelic. Kudos to Nicole and all the artists celebrating the deviant aspects of life. Wouldn’t it be fun if deviant was the norm? Then normal would be deviant.
Alenka ,
Divine sculptures, very talented artist! The skin looks like real flesh,and the eyes… I am speechless…so many flawless details! Admirable art, especially because the artist is self-tought,as I read on her site.All the compliments to this incredible artist!!!!
jana ,
Scultptors have always amazed me, but Nicole has taken my admiration to new heights. Wickedly talented, this artist. I’m with Alenka…’the eyes have it’. Thanks so much for introducing us to Nicole, Cynthia..it provided me a 30 minute respite from reality while I browsed her delightful, fantastical realm..
Your welcome! I knew you all would appreciate her work. She’s amazing! The coloring and textures – stunning!
“Angel’ina” polymer clay figurine » Art & Design Gallery ,
[…] Nicole West | via Polymer Clay Daily […]
‘Angel’ina’ polymer clay figurine | Art & Design Gallery ,
[…] Nicole West | via Polymer Clay Daily […]