Milner’s shifting geometry
Need more Synergy? Try Heather Campbell’s site, Libby Mills’ or Julie Eakes‘ blogsĀ and Kelly Russell’s site. Maureen Carlson commented yesterday and brought up issues to think about in the polymer versus polymer clay debate. Leave your thoughts and I’ll try to pick up the thread soon.
I’m going to let the topic rest for a few days as I pack for a month-long trip out west and prepare to take this show on the road.
The necklace at the left from France’s Kylee Milner (Bijoux and Banter) popped up as I was catching up on research. Polymer disks bump up against one another to form a shifting geometry amid the play of autumn reds.
This just in…
Elise Winters writes that while her jewelry’s debut on the fashion runways was exciting, it was, “…nowhere near as thrilling as seeing Gwen Ifill wearing my teal lattice rope necklace on the PBS news hour tonight.”