Arendt's polymer rot ringel

The polymer sculptures from Berlin’s Angelika Arendt make me feel good. Words escape me and I can’t explain.

I’ve learned to respect my gut which started singing the moment I landed on her site. The colors, the complexity, the textures. Even the blobs are appealing. I’ll just go with it. Here’s her Flickr page.

Arendt's polymer duschhaube

Speaking of feeling good, I was pleased to see my work and my faux bosom shown on Julie Eakes’ site. Look only at the work and ignore the augmentation Julie added in Photoshop. Have a feel good weekend.

  • reply Melinda hayes ,

    WOW! Definitely makes you want to touch them.

    • reply Alisa R. ,

      • reply LaLa Ortiz ,

        Whoa! I didn’t expect that! Cynthia, You’re so bubbly! Your rocks are great. That was really fun! What a great sense of humor you have.

        I also agree with you about Angelika Arendt, “Even the blobs are appealing”.

        Great post!

        Thank you so much! It was just the boost of inspiration needed before going off to Poly-paloozza in Tahoe!

        • reply Anita Brandon ,

          Angelika’s work is so special. I can’t explain it, it just reaches out and grabs me. It makes me want to reach out and TOUCH IT!

          Cynthia: Your faux rocks are so lovely and I especially like the ones with petroglyphs . The FUN at Julies site also made my day!

          • reply Jeannie ,

            When I first saw the sculpture on the left I thought it was seed beads. Spectacular!!! I know from experience that working from the gut works best for me to.

            Cynthia the petroglyph faux rocks ROCK! \
            Happy PC weekend to you.

            • reply Amy Crawley ,

              Angelika’s sculptures are amazing.

              Julie’s post gave me a chuckle too.


              • reply Maureen Carlson ,

                Hmmmmm. I think that Julie E got you there, Cynthia. What a good job all the way a”round”.

                • reply AbracadabrA ,

                  Fantastic, crazy and beautiful !!!

                  • reply tejae ,

                    hee-hee. like I mentioned on julie’s site, I almost fell off my chair giggling. She got you good!! ha!


                    • reply mary anne dugas ,

                      Very unique ..nice work! Thank You!

                      • reply Glo ,

                        Reminds me of a crazy crochet (take off on crazy quilting) afghan. What fun!

                        • reply Elizabeth Sperandio ,

                          Perhaps even more breath-taking are Ms. Arendt’s drawings!…so specific…I wonder if the polymer forms informed the drawings or if the drawings informed the polymer forms…or if they were developed simultaneously….

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