Rebecca Watkins of West Virginia likes texture and she shares her personal process for etching unbaked polymer on her Flickr site. No smelly solvents, just a stylus and some patience.

This process looks like it was made for the Zentangle/polymer crowd.
Rebecca’s turtleneck-wearing fishes are dressed for fall. They’re shaped and marked in delightful ways. Thanks to Christine Damm for leading us to this new link.
ClaymoreArt ,
Wow! Was JUST NOW looking at her flickr photostream!!!!
I love the feel of those etched beads – and the other beads too
JeannieK ,
I just love this. The etching gives it some awesome texture.
The things in her etsy shop are fabulous…and tempting.
Artybecca ,
Hi all! How exciting to be on PCD!!! Thanks Cynthia (and Christine!)
I wondered what the source of the uptick in my flickr contacts this morning was all about. The etching (more like sketching) process is super easy so give it a try.
Lynda Moseley ,
As the proud owner of two of Rebecca’s lion face beads, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see her work featured here and shared with PCD fans all over the world today. She is awesome, and her blog is fabulous, too!
Congratulations, Rebecca!
Alisa R. ,
Oh…. YES! I’ve been drooling over Rebecca’s work ever since I stumbled across it on Flickr. You know she explains her technique there, too. How nice!
And I adore the fish. I’m still crying about the one that “got away” before I got to it!
claire maunsell ,
So wonderful to see Rebecca’s work here: she is inventive and SO not afraid to explore a new path. Love her documentation of process, and the fantastic results she achieves…follow that fish, there are more coming!
Jan montarsi ,
I wondered when Rebecca was going to show up on PCD. I love to see her new work almost daily on Flickr she’s a real inspiration. Thanks for the tutuorial.
next stop Belle Amoire ??
Angie Blasingame ,
I’ve been watching Rebecca’s word for a few months and I’m always amazed by her designs. She is a real inspiration.
Marlene Brady ,
How fun is that? A fish in a turtleneck! And each one is so different. Very creative.
Becca, I love your etchings. I hope you demo them at our retreat in October. See you then!
Elizabeth Freeman ,
How special are those? Amazing stuff. Love the patience those must have taken.
I love artybecca’s things and admire and appreciate her generosity in sharing her techniques.