Thanks for following along with this April fool all week. Collaboration at the Outer Banks has been exhilarating and exhausting and I highly recommend the process. Find a group that boosts your confidence and stretches your mind.

Leslie Blackford made these necklaces for our group. It was a generous gesture that we will treasure. She knew enough about each of us to make a character that touched on a bit of truth. Can you identify one or two? I’ll publish a key on the weekend.

Please hang on while I get back to your emails in the next few days. I’m off to the hot tub! Have a hot weekend!


Here’s our silly group picture to help you.

  • reply Bettina ,

    how cool is that….and you’re Super-Cynthia…how sweet of Leslie…she’s such a doll.

    I guess I recognise some more (Seth, Sarah, Robert, Julie:)

    • reply Cynthia Blanton ,

      Those are amazing and adorable. I definitely recognize Seth – not sure about some others.

      • reply Anita Brandon ,

        What super special treasures Leslie has created! I spot Super CT there in the front.

        • reply Janie ,

          How incredible that she took such time to do that. What a treasure. Going to have to look at these for a while – what fun!

          • reply Trina Williams ,

            Well, Seth and Jeff and the amazing CT were easy. Sarah, maybe. Waiting for that key.

            • reply Jenn ,

              The super CT is pretty awesome! I also see Jeff, Judy, Seth, Robert, and have a good guess on Sarah and Jim as well. It will be fun to see the key.
              Sounds like an awesome week. Thanks for sharing it with us all!

              • reply LynnAnne Dunn ,

                Utterly charming!

                • reply PLaneFancies ,

                  I knew without reading farther that those were Leslie’s creations. I see the CT WonderWoman and Donna the Queen of Polymer. Thanks for sharing notes and photos from your retreat.

                  • reply Amy Crawley ,

                    These are absolutely adorable. I’ve identified Dayle, Seth, Robert, and Jeff. Now I see you, possibly Sarah. Sounds like it was an awesome experience.

                    • reply Melanie J Pierce ,

                      How fun are these characters? I knew it was Leslie’s work as soon as I l saw them… 🙂 I am a happy owner of a lightbulb pig of Leslie’s…it makes me smile!
                      She is truly an amazing artist and person…

                      • reply Juli ,

                        Do I see Ponsawan?

                        • reply Juli ,

                          Oh, I think Christi Friesen too.

                          • reply Peg Harper ,

                            Once again, covet, covet, covet. How bless you all are!

                            • reply JeannieK ,

                              I don’t recognized anyone. I’ll have to wait for the key..or the movie. These are just delightful and fun.

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