Dee Wilder’s RAW (Ring A Week) project this week will start your wheels turning. She calls her piece Lamellia and it’s made of stacks of polymer sheets with occasional highlights of shiny mica powder.

Pressed together at the base, the layers at the front separate and curl to reveal their colors.

Check out her progress here. And Dee’s only half way through the year!

  • reply Georgia Morgan ,

    Always something new and wonderful from Dee–you can depend on it!

    • reply laurie prophater ,

      Dee always shows an amazing amount of creativity and versatility in her work.

      • reply Wendy Malinow ,

        Go Dee!
        I don’t think you ever sleep….

        • reply Sera ,

          I am in total awe of Dee Wilder’s imagination. Add to that her ability to transform the products of that imagination into polymer reality….and WOW! What really blows me away is her capacity to produce such a diverse range of pieces. From nudibranches to goatse rings, k-canes to screen printed lentils, hummingbird skulls to carnivale beads. This woman is truly a Polymer Queen….

          • reply Gera Chandler ,

            Breathtaking as always Dee!!

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