A spiffy revamped site with new work from Ford and Forlano is just the ticket to start the week. These button earrings mesmerize us with their complex colors and switch our brains into gear. “Exactly how do they do that,” you might ask.
You’ll see lots of continuing design experiments with their polymer tubes that twist to reveal unexpected colors and shapes. Steve and Dave are masters at reinventing their designs and revisiting their methods.
Donna Greenberg ,
OK. Now they’re just showing off! F+F, always pushing that envelope!
Janie ,
Nice to read about them and what they’re doing. Loved reading their blog.
JeannieK ,
I enjoyed paging through their work. Loved the rose pin and the bubble necklace
sabine ,
It’s fabulous to see some different works on the new site that I hadn’t seen before. Incredibly inspiring work.