“Turquoise and green are simply my favourite colors, working with them is easy and big pleasure,” says the Czech Republic’s Eva Haskova.
In this new batch of work she combines her colors so closely that the patterns vibrate in tight stripes and blends. Each bar is layered with a thick layer of turquoise running through the middle, underneath the patterned surface for added interest.
Some of the new work appears on her Flickr site and Lindly Haunani sent in the link to her Voila page which contains even more examples.
Eva credits her guild participation and event attendance for giving her the confidence to sell her wares to make her living from polymer. She also teaches and continues working in graphic design.
lisa Mackin ,
Beautiful work! Really interesting design and the colors are great.
Definitelly a fan of Eva’s Work. The colors, the graphic quality and how beautifully they are finsished make me say Wow!
Jan Montarsi ,
I found Eva’s Flickr page the other day and was astounded by the color combinations, shapes,forms and perfectly executed work !!!! Bravo !!
Hazel ,
Beautiful, optically challenging effect – the bands of colour are almost mesmerizing!
Beautiful work! Finishing is so important. I try to stress that with my students but they get very impatient.
Eva, these are also my favorite colors. I love your tiny striped effect – gorgeous work.
What gorgeous work. Love her color combinations, her patterns, textures, and design work of her jewelry. Thank you for introducing her to me!
» Blog Archive » Nevoljene boje ili “Da li od ružnog pa?eta može postati labud” ,
[…] par nedelja pro?itala sam blog Sintije Tinaple o radu sa omiljenim bojama ( https://polymerclaydaily.com/2011/07/13/using-the-colors-you-love/). Interesantan post, kao i obi?no. Ali ovaj put, post me je zaintrigirao da sama sebi postavim […]
» Blog Archive » Colors that I didn’t love or “Can an ugly duckling become a swan?” ,
[…] Few weeks ago I read Cynthia Tinaple’s blog about work with favorite colors (https://polymerclaydaily.com/2011/07/13/using-the-colors-you-love/). Interesting post, as usual. But this time, post intrigued me to give myself the challenge: […]