Whenever the news I’m listening to gets complicated and worrisome, my eye gravitates to the most simple, straightforward polymer designs it can find. Unfussy design and bright color feel like an oasis in the desert, calm in a storm.
Australia’s Rachel Wightman presents the most basic polymer shapes in sizzling colors. Her work as a stylist on interior design magazines plays out in her minimalist choices.

The photos on her Etsy site are plain and effective, highlighting necklaces that might look childish in another setting. Even the names of her pieces, not quite round, not quite flat, etc., seem to take the pressure off.
The Oh Joy design site picked up her necklace and paired it with some very graphic Marimekko sheets at Crate and Barrel. Rachel’s easy not quite approach turns out to be spot on for today.
Randee M Ketzel ,
The takeaway for me here is the elegance of the photography–so simple, yet suggests the uses of the work in such a flattering way. Well done!
Carolyn Good ,
Wow! That is simple — and the price she sells them for is quite the surprise. I do like the way they are (not quite) displayed and photographed as well. — gives them a whole new image.