What a difference a necklace stringing material can make. This focal bead was created long ago; the cane is even older. When I finished the pendant, my reaction pretty much was a big … Meh. Craftsmanship: A, Visual interest: B-
But after spending the last couple of years making customized cords to highlight and embellish my polymer clay jewelry, I decided to do something to liven up this bead. After weaving a Kumihimo cord with two different yarns to match it, the bead became only one part of a much more interesting piece of work. And it’s one that I now wear.
Here are a few of my blog posts, where you can see some of my adventures with Kumihimo, knotting and other fibers.
Guest post by Cassy Muronaka
Sherrie Brittig ,
I’d never heard if Korean knotting. I’ll have to check that out!
Anita Brandon ,
How beautifully you’ve crafted the Kumihimo cord to set off your focal bead. The two together are stunning.
Kumihimo is so much fun to do and depending on what you use the textures are endless. My favorite mix is silk, art fibers, and embroidery floss.
Love your bead and your Kumihimo.
Helen Breil ,
I’m really interested in the fiber cording as well and your examples are beautiful – especially your photo’s of the Korean knotting which I’ve never heard of before. You’ve colour co-ordinated your cording so perfectly with your pendants. Thanks for sharing!
Marian Hertzog ,
I have enjoyed doing the kumihimo with all kinds of different fibers. It is fun and kind of mindless to do once you get started. How fun to have taken a class from a real Chinese expert! Thanks for your post! I like your polymer beads with the braids!
Melanie J Pierce ,
funny this post would come up! just a week ago I did my first kumihimo…I love it! I see so many ways to use it in my work…mostly polymer clay, but also mixed media…and wanting to make show leads for fellow Basenji lovers! Your work is beautiful…
Great work Cassy. I’ve never done Kumihimo, but I do macrame(not lately) and these are similar. I never use a pinboard or pins though. I use two metal clips with holes in the handles. I put a string loop through the holes on each. One clip with a string loop on it at the top of the center cord to hook on a door knob or chair post and another with a sting to attach to my belt buckle. Holds the main cord in place while I work with the knotting cords. Don’t know if this would work with this kind of knotting, but it’s worth a try.
I really like the colorful round discs at the top left hand corner of your blog, in the banner.
Any chance you have a tutorial for sale on those? Or know ho does?
Hi Jay, email me at the address on my website, and I can talk to you about those beads.
Thanks for everyone’s kind words…… and information!
What a beautiful piece, with the combination of the soft lovely cord, and the firm central focus on the pendant. Great going!
Thanks for sharing your learnings! The photos are beautiful. Can’t wait to try this.
these knottings that you do are so beautiful and so is your polymer clay. i zipped throuhg your blog and found it very interesting. it is so enticing, that i also would like a try at it, especially, since yesterday, in a craft shop in Zuerich, Switzerland, i held a kumihino(?) board made of light white material, in my hands.
your strands look so touchy feely, that i can almost imagine holding them in my hand.
thanks so much for sharing!