Serbia’s Nena Sabo’s takes a lighthearted, off-kilter approach to her patchwork polymer Christmas trees.
If you need to smile about the holidays, thumb through her Facebook photos here and here or her Flickr site to get the full treatment. From faux knitted caps to crisp mosaics to laughing trees, Nena never met an ornament that didn’t delight her.
This enthusiastic artist organized a successful first-ever polymer workshop in Serbia last May!
Nena ,
Thank you so much for featuring my work, it’s a great honor for me. I am humbled by your wonderful article and thrilled that you like my trees.
This is really like a cherry on top of my yummy creamy busy fun polymer clay year. How did I get so lucky?
Thank you.
ronna ,
I love art that energizes me when I look at it. I could swear these trees have a joyous soundtrack with lots of drums and bells and who knows what else.
Janie ,
Love the Christmas trees!
Dawna Sharp ,
Congratulations on your trees being featured here on PCD. Well deserved. Like I said before….Fabulous forest of trees to bright up anyone’s day!!!
Elsie ,
Wonderful, colourful trees!!
You must be very dedicated to polymer clay as I see you named your cat “Fimo”. How cute is that!?!!
I love the look of these trees!
Colie ,
Those are so fun, I love color! I’m thinking good way to use up scraps…also a good excuse to experiment with techniques since I’m not into Christmas decorations. All these ornaments just have me thinking EARRINGS! Off to check out Nena’s flickr!
Nena ,
Yeah Colie nice idea. Earrings would be just fun to make.
I had so much clay sheets because I was teaching every weekend of 2011 so had to use them. I love to mix and match so I came up with the trees. I drew them by hand and cut them out of clay. Had to make some more, pics on Flickr soon. 🙂
This would make a great swap event for a guild if Nena gave permission. People could make sheets and bring their triangles for exchange and everyone would leave with a forest of Nena Sabo trees. I enjoy the life and joy in these trees. You just have to smile when you see them. I imagine Nena to be a lovely and fun woman. Thanks for sharing this.
Nena ,
Thank you Deborah, i am glad that you like my trees.
You have my permission for a swap, of course. What a nice idea! I would only like to see photos of them. I love to see some ideas and projects evolve. (and I love the fact you called them Nena Sabo trees).
Nena ,
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. Hugs. N.
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[…] da su se moje jelke, o kojima sam vam pisala prošle nedelje, našle na ?uvenom blogu Polymer clay daily. To je blog koji vodi Cynthia Tineapple o novostima iz šarenog sveta polimerske gline, […]
Angela LeBlanc ,
These are just so adorable. It would be awesome to win.
Sandra ,
The Christmas trees made me smile. Thank you
Promotional polymer | Polymer Clay Daily ,
[…] Cynthia Tinapple on December 28, 2011 · 0 comments Nena Sabo made her first appearance on PCD last week and here she is again with another great idea […]