Susan Waddington of Polydogz does many things well. What I found myself stuck on as I cruised through her galleries was her ingenious bails for pendants, some from years past, some new.

Integrating polymer bails into pendant design is quite a trick and Susan’s mastered it. She’s fond of using a paper-bead type construction which she camoflages with decorative coverings as in the shield shape with textured folded circle shown here. Layers of patterns form connections that fit seamlessly into her collages of polymer pattern.
You can see more examples on a sister site here and on Etsy here.
Mary Anne Loveless ,
Absolutely brilliant! Anything you can do with clay, do it. Very clever.
Selma ,
Anita Brandon ,
Very visually unique and appealing, plus ingenious, creative, and meticulous construction design.
Randee M Ketzel ,
I have been drooling over Susan’s work for years now–she brings such a distinctive voice to the art of collaged polymer—what an artist.
Creatively styled polymer and bails! I enjoyed her artwork – the Cavaliers are adorable.
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
Oh, these are amazingly beautiful. Great post Cynthia. Yummy work.
magnific work^^
sandra ,
I like the antique style and orient and Polydogz make them perfect.