This Champagne Pendant by the UK’s Nadege Honey looks appropriately festive for a Friday. The mokume gane bubbles rise to the top to celebrate the weekend.
Nadege is a French silversmith living in the UK countryside and working in polymer. You can sense her delight as she jumps from one idea to the next in the polymer project pictures on Flickr and Etsy.
I’ll be floating off to Virginia this weekend for a gathering in the hills and a week of fun. You can ride along and share in the fun from the convenience of your own computer. Join me here next week.
Carol Blackburn ,
Well done, Nadege, it’s lovely to see you featured here.
Hope you’re coming on 27th May to celebrate London’s 5th birthday!
Carol xxx
Nadege Honey ,
Thanks a lot Cynthia for featuring my champagne pendant today, what a great honour! The first thing I do everyday is to check what exciting idea has been featured on PCD and today it is my turn!!!
And Carol thanks for your kind words and yes I will be at the London meetin on the 27th!
Nadege xxx
Anita Brandon ,
sophisticated and unique
Cara Jane ,
It is a stunning pendant! So pleased to see you featured here Nadege!
Selma ,
This is really wonderful pieces of jewelry! I love mokume gane technique! This is an excellent work with the colors of autumn.
How lovely to see your pendant featured here today, Nadege, using such a beautiful combination of colours.
I love the champagne pendant and the beautiful jewellery you make.
ByCreativeHands ,
Well done Nadege! Your pendant is beautiful. Mokume gane is my favourite technique and your colours are stunning. Hope you’re well.
Helen x
sandra ,
It looks like a rock from the planet Jupiter. Good work.