Vancouver’s Joan Tayler has made polymer whistles for years. This leaf shape is a new design. Look at all the others on her Etsy shop.

Don’t you think it’s time for Joan to write a whistle tutorial? I sure would like a lesson…and I’d pay good money to avoid the problems that she’s already worked through. If you feel the same, leave a comment and maybe Joan will take the hint.

  • reply Sue Castle ,

    I’d LOVE a tutorial on how to make the whistles. I’ve researched on-line and tried time and time again to make my own and can’t get them to work for anything, LOL. Hopefully she’ll write a tutorial. Smiles, Sue C

    • reply Sylvia Valentine ,

      Second that! All different sizes, strung together, for a necklace you can play a tune on. I’d pay real money for that.

      • reply Sydney ,

        Third that! I’ve always wanted to do whistles and would love a tutorial. Please!

        • reply Karan ,

          Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! What a cool idea .. and something appreciative moms, who are looking at jewelry, can actually purchase for their little ones .. while they continue to look!! : )

          • reply suzanne ,

            i’ll fourth that. it would be cool to be able to have a few beautiful whistles around my neck. maybe my cat would listen 🙂

            • reply Dorothy Siemens ,

              I agree – I’ve wanted to do whistles too and my attempts have been failures. A tutorial would be wonderful!

              • reply Patricia ,

                Yes a whistle tutorial would be Amesome. I would definitely pay for one.

                • reply Deborah M. ,

                  A whistle tutorial would be great! I lost a great deal of time on her blog 🙂 Beautiful work.

                  • reply Jane ,

                    Yes – would be great! I too would be happy to pay for instruction on making whistles.

                    • reply Kathy ,

                      I, also, would love a tutorial. I have tried whistles with clay with very little, inconsistent success. Perhaps I would be more successful with polymer!

                      • reply Marsha Markle ,

                        I’d love to learn how to create a whistle with polymer! Please offer us a tutorial.

                        • reply Deborah Groom ,

                          Joan Tayler’s whistles are a real treasure. Her claying abilities are some of the finest in Canada. I really love her Japanese inspired fish and her ravens are just beautiful. What amazes me is the fine detail in her canes and small sculptures like her zipper pulls. I am a huge fan of her work and am thrilled to see her featured here. Thanks so much Cynthia.

                          • reply Karen N. from MN ,

                            Yes and yes would love to see a tutorial on this.

                            • reply Chris ,

                              Yes yes I would love it too. I have begun working on a line of polymer pendants that double as playthings – a whistle would fit right in.

                              • reply Zuda Gay Pease ,

                                These are beautiful! I want to hear them. 🙂

                                • reply nanetta ,

                                  These are lovely, but polymer clay is not appropriate for anything that touches the mouth. It is not recommended for food usage and is not safe to be used in this way, particularly for children.

                                  • reply carissa ,

                                    I am here today to officialy request a ‘Toot-torial’ if you would be so kind! I would love to learn this technique!

                                    • reply Sarah ,

                                      Surely if you sealed the clay with a varnish that was safe, it would be alright to blow on the whistle. You still might not want them in the hands of children since they tend to chew on things. They are very beautiful.

                                      • reply Evelien ,

                                        Whistle, wistle, wistle oh whistle… please!

                                        • reply jan montarai ,

                                          There beautiful Joan.
                                          pahleeze make a tutorial!
                                          I would love to have something
                                          To apply my work to other than the usual.

                                          • reply jan montarai ,

                                            Water we drink everyday goes through PVC pipes especially at resturants
                                            I think an occasional root is not going to shorten a lifespan more than a quick whistle.
                                            I’m more afraid of my old metal tooth fillings

                                          • reply jan montarai ,

                                            Water we drink everyday goes through PVC pipes especially at resturants
                                            I think an occasional toot is not going to shorten a lifespan more than a quick whistle.
                                            I’m more afraid of my old metal tooth fillings

                                            • reply Kit Lockwood ,

                                              A whistle tutorial would be great, and these are particularly attractive in shape and design.

                                              • reply Ann Howard ,

                                                Oooh, a whistle tutorial would be a very good thing! Please!

                                                • reply Luann Udell ,

                                                  I just bought a whistle! The owl one…. couldn’t stop looking at it.

                                                  • reply Peggy Barnes ,

                                                    And yes I am another big fan and would love to see this as a tutorial. I would pay oooodles to have this tutorial. Love it and all of your artistic creations. Please Please Please I would be at the front of the line for this tutorial.

                                                    • reply Dolly Madison Designs ,

                                                      I second the motion for the tutorial! What a clever idea! I wonder…..would it be possible to make a flute out of polymer clay? Wouldn’t that be something! 😀 Please post a tutorial for the whistle, oh do!


                                                      • reply Mel McG ,

                                                        A whistle tute sounds brilliant!!

                                                        • reply Janice SEars ,

                                                          I’d love, love, love a whistle tutorial!

                                                          • reply Sandra D. ,

                                                            Yes I will pay also for a tutorial.

                                                            • reply c holm ,

                                                              Whistles are not that hard.
                                                              Lots of good you tube sites on how to make wooden whistles using a twig and pocket knife.These principles can be adapted to polymer.The whistles can be fully finished and tested before putting into them into a desirable shape. Not much can go wrong. Placing the reed takes a little practice.

                                                              • reply Anna Winter ,

                                                                A tutorial for the whistles would be wonderful! They are wonderful.

                                                                • reply Daniel Ramming ,

                                                                  I have been making clay whistles with my high school classes for several years. I switched from stoneware to polymer because 1. polymer clay doesn’t shrink like earthen ware and other clays. 2. It allows me to put later additions and rebake. 3. Timing/drying out is not a problem. The drawbacks are 1. possible toxicity, which I’m not concerned about if one is making an occasional whistle. 2. Cost of clay which is more of a problem in a classroom setting. I mention this also because my solution helped with other design issues. We always make the whistle out of bulk clay (Sculpey makes a giant box of white) when it is on sale or I have a coupon. Then we cover it with the colors, textures, etc we want. It is much easier with a sturdy base of a baked whistle.

                                                                  • reply rosie ,

                                                                    I need whistle tutorial ……I humbly request your wisdom and instruction……..Please!

                                                                    • reply Christy Braun ,

                                                                      I need this titorial to make whistles for all the grand kids and.of course me

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