The problem is not your monitor, there really are bugs in the system and they’re polymer from Jana Lehmann. You can watch these beetle brooches escaping from their cute little boxes.

Jana’s work is consistently the most graphic and the tidiest I’ve encountered. There’s considerable sanding involved and lots of attention to detail.
Her polymer-covered pens always appeal to me with their shapely Skinner-blended bodies and their whimsical tops. Just for fun, I’m offering five of the wooden pen bases that Jana uses as a giveaway today. I ordered a bunch from the German supplier (Bettina Welker delivered them) and they’re fun to try.
Make a comment and you’re automatically entered. I’ll announce a winner tomorrow.
Mary Anne Loveless ,
Love these whimsical bugs and the adorable boxes, as well. What a nice gift/pet!
The craftsmanship of these critters are amazing. Thanks for the chance to win.
These are just wonderful!!
I love bugs! These are so cute. Makes me want to go and play with the clay immediately!
Patty Schneider ,
I don’t know how big they are but I was thinking they could also be used as shawl pins or scarf slides! Very bright, summery colors!
iratirita ,
I have always loved Jana’s work. Her way to combine colors and shapes is stunning!
Kayleigh Sexton ,
I love those bugs, they’re so colourful and full of fun
I can picture a number of these whimsical bugs marching up my wall. Thank you for the interesting posts, very addictive.
What beautiful use of colour, pattern & texture! LOVE them!
Sue Corrie ,
So precise and beautifully finished, but all done with a great sense of fun. What a winning combination!
Gillian Pearce ,
These pen bases are a great find. I love the shape. Never thought of looking for wood. Thanks for the idea.
The boxes are as adorable as the bugs. I’d love to see bugs this cute in my gardens!
Nadege Honey ,
One of my favourite things in polymer clay is the endless colours one can create. I love these brightly coloured bugs for their striking colours and perfect colour combination. definitely a winner!
I’d love to win! Thank you for doing this!
Wow, when I saw her pens, awhile ago, I thought she shaped the pens to be curvy, but now I see those wooden pens are made that way. How interesting and cute! And of course her work is brought to perfection… Love color combinations she makes.
These bugs are so cute and colorful.
Linda ,
absolutely adorable!!!
ByCreativeHands ,
Wow! They are truly amazing. I’ve not come across Jana’s work before. It’s stunning. I’m drooling!
Pat ,
Today’s posting really bugged me! What fun little creatures.
Kelee Maddox ,
These are incredible! Thanks for finding them.
Perfect little buggers!
brenda ,
Just in time for spring, bright colours and a neat idea. An inspiration for decorating an Easter Basket!
Iris Mishly ,
Will be happy to play with these cool pens! Thank you Cynthia!
Just in time for Spring! These bugs would be welcome in my garden….
I love all the detail you put into your work.
You actually make bugs look cute and make people want them-at least the clay kind:)
Tese are such a fun way to welcome Spring! I love the polka dots!
I’ve been an admirer of Jana’s work for some time now. Perfection!
Patrice Pfeiffer ,
The bugs are awesome and their little box homes are adorable! Trying the pens would be fun too.
Love all her work. Wonderfully whimsical and boldly colorful without being too juvenile.
Pat S ,
Thee bugs are great. I love the distinctiveness of the body parts and the stylized look! So cool!
Wow! Love the precise use of color.
The colours are so refreshing! They are all lovely. I wouldn’t know which one choose!
Alenka ,
Masters are Masters in whatever they do
These are so cute. They’re actually bugs I wouldn’t mind seeing scuttling around my house (well, at least on the OUTSIDE!).
Oh, how fun (both the bugs and the giveaway)! I would love to try my hand at a pen. This might get me out of a slump. : )
Norma ,
Very cute bugs! I’ve always wonder about the shape of those pens. So whimsy! Thanks for the giveaway!
Beautiful and precise. I wonder what kind of wire she uses for the attenae?
Karen Johnson ,
The bugs are cute-love the color combinations! Thanks for doing a giveaway!
Wow, when I saw her pens, awhile ago, I thought she shaped the pens to be curvy, but now I see those wooden pens are made that way. How interesting and cute! And of course her work is brought to perfection… Love color combinations she makes.
These might be the first set of bugs I am not afraid of finding on my body!
julie ,
I must say I love the eye candy here everyday. At city o clay we are currently in a pen swap and I loved the idea of the base. Ohh and a chance to win one lol.
Thank you for all the wonderful inspiration you provide us daily.
What fun little creatures! Definatly a bug I’d let crawl on me. lol And I Love their little beds
Such Awesome Artistry!
Love the Bugs!
Barbara McGuire ,
OVER THE TOP! What an imagination – and- all that meticulous detailing matters. (this is a statement from someone who loves instant gratification and is abashed at how lazy I am when it comes to details – always room for improvement) Really an inspiration. No gimmicks- pure design quality. Textbook example of the impact of elements and priciples of design. You go girl! – You got ‘IT’! – Barbara McGuire
I just love your bugs they are beautiful.
What I love about Polymer Clay Daily. So much inspiration, so little time. You are my morning read while having my get-up and go coffee fix. Thanks for coloring my mornings bright, beautiful and buggy.
Love these critter! Thanks for another amazing month of inspiration!
I meant critters!
What charming bugs. And the boxes add so much: a good reminder when making items that are gifts how much that extra touch adds.
Monique ,
Jana’s polymer clay art is adorable, I love her work!
Monique U. (A Half-Baked Notion) ,
I don’t like real bugs, but these are adorable, Cynthia. Thanks for the links to Jana’s work!