Luann Udell explains her pre-show jitters and invites visitors to her booth at the NH Craftsman's Annual Fair at Mt. Sunapee later this week.
"It’s where I’ll struggle to put up my booth on a ski slope, stand for nine days in 95 degree weather, and wonder if I’ll make enough money to get me through to next year’s show," she says cheerily.
She'll show you her newest polymer artifacts from lost cultures and imagined prehistories and let you see the awesome scar on her knee which explains her absence last year.
Luann's blog post about her display research is a good read and you can find out even more on FaceBook.
Ann Dillon, Sandra McCaw, Marcia Herson, Kathleen Dustin (did I miss anyone?) are also regulars at this terrific show now in its 80th year.
It's in the mail!
You may have been wondering when my book would appear (me too). Pre-ordered copies of Polymer Clay Global Perspectives have shipped and I'm sending virtual hugs with each one. Now you can order it online and snap it up in bookstores. See what all the buzz is about.
Lee Luda ,
Amazon.de (Germany) has informed me that my book has shipped! Any day now (maybe tomorrow) I'll have it in my hot little hands. It's like Christmas in July/August.
Luann Udell ,
I got mine yesterday, and I even snuck a few minutes in to take a peek! BEAUTIFUL, Cynthia!
The wonderful Barbara Sperling will also be there!
Carole M ,
i'm sending my GOOD thoughts and prayers for GREAT weather for your show!
Luann Udell ,
I was shocked….shocked….(In a wonderful way)…to open my PCD feed today and see….ME! Yippee! Thank you for the shout out, Cynthia, it's an honor to be included in your curated polymer blog. (I'd use more exclamation points, but it would look frantic….!!) (Oops.)
And Susan Samitz of Vermont is another polymer clay artist at the Fair.
Thank you Carole, keeping my fingers crossed. So far the weather's looking not too hot, sorta cloudy, and not rainy–perfect Fair weather! As our Fair newsletter said one morning, "Too windy for golf, too cool for sailing–let's go to the Fair!" :^D (It was our highest attendance day on record!)
[…] when I saw today’s Polymer Clay Daily post from Cynthia Tinapple, I thought, “I’m BUSY!!! But I gotta […]
Sarah Wilbanks ,
I loved this post. So glad I looked. I am sick in bed and happened to take a moment to read your post today.
I love Luann's work and her blog is awesome. I am so encouraged by her blog. Thanks for highlighting her work and her blog I needed that..
Luann Udell ,
Sarah, hope your up & at ’em again by now. Thank you for letting me know my words have encouraged you. Now go to your studio today & make something wonderful! (No pressure or anything….) ;^)
Jenny ,
I love Luann's work! She has an amazing gift of telling you the story behind the piece and creating desire to own a her work.
Luann Udell ,
Luann Udell ,
Oooops….the left out the “hug” in the middle!! Or maybe the hug is just implied….?? ;^)
Wendy Moore ,
I love Luann's site AND her beautiful art. She writes with great wisdom, humour and authenticity. Great to see her featured here! Good luck with the show to all of you. Wendy Moore
Luann Udell ,
Wendy, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Knee, Luann??? What's up with that?
Luann Udell ,
It’s a new one. ;^)
Lizzie ,
I have LOVED Luann's work since I first read about her and her Lascaux-inspired bears in a magazine years ago! I can't believe how the time has flown. One year I made the trek to the NH show with my son to see her in person, and we got horse earrings (for me) and a bear (for Sal), and rode the ski lift (AAAAAAH!!). It is so exciting to see how many more motifs she has developed, and read about their storylines. For me, a lot of the enjoyment of jewelry and art is the connection that they have to our deep past, to the human spirit in place and time — I can't describe it, and I don't see it incarnate often enough, but some of you will know what I mean, and will know that it's very much a part of Luann's work.
Sometimes it seems a little unfair that she's such a good writer as well. I guess I'm just envious.
Luann Udell ,
Lizzie, it was wonderful meeting you that day, and your comments and support over the years have lifted me. I love, love, love your thoughts about the human spirit through place and time–beautifully put, and very true. One of the many blessings of doing this work is meeting people like you. Hugs, Luann
Really like Luann’s artifacts and her blog. Surprised she wasn’t in the new book. She is such a great artist. The artifacts tell their own stories, just to you.
Luann Udell ,
LOL, very sweet words, Jay! And of course, I’m honored to be invited to any such project. I think Cynthia’s intent was to showcase new faces, new trends, new directions, in new places, people who without the internet, or Cynthia’s book, might be overlooked in their tremendous contributions to the art of polymer clay. I’m digging deeper into my story and my presentation, but still using the same techniques (expanding a little now and then), so I truly don’t feel overlooked or passed by.
In a nutshell, there’s room for everyone! :^D