If there’s anyone whose polymer art captures the heat of August, it’s Greece’s Anarina Anar.
The hot colors of her decorative shapes are made more intense as they bounce off the irregular black background on this wide bangle. To unify the look, both surfaces are roughly textured and accented.
She uses the same technique on pieces for necklaces, earrings and more for an effect that’s pure drama. Her Flickr and Facebook pages are full of these striking examples.
Alice Stroppel ,
Cynthia, you know me and color! All of Anarina's work just sings with it, and it makes me smile. So glad to see her work here.
momentocomplemento ,
A great work!!! we love color, and Anarina use it…and a lot of!!
very nice^^
Karen Davila ,
Anarina Anar ,
Hello Cynthia, thank you for your post,and thanks to all of you for your nice comments!
Please connect this post with my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/anarina.anar because my personnal profile is blocked and the link has been broken.Thank you!