PCD is back! It was good to take a travel break and I’m returning grateful and refreshed. Of course I took polymer with me.
If you look closely at these Tibetan villagers you’ll see that they’re all wearing small square gold pendants I made that feature an image transfer of the Dalai Lama.
Whenever travelers I met on the trail remarked on the pendants on satin cords that my husband and I were wearing, we would take ours off and give them away. My name is stamped into the textured pendant backs.

Images of the Dalai Lama are revered (and illegal on the Chinese side of the border). The ability to leave treasured bits of polymer art in this remote part of the world was a highlight of the trek.
You’ve been busy creating and posting and I look forward to catching up and bringing you your daily dose of inspiration starting today. I’m back in the saddle.
Loretta ,
Your adventurous spirit is inspirational Cynthia. Welcome home. We missed you!
Rebecca Watkins ,
I can’t wait to hear more about your travels and the inspiration that came from them!
what a very thoughtful way of giving to the Tibetan people, I am sure they will be treasured alongside your kindness forever x.
What an Adventure Cynthia. I can’t wait to hear more. You look like a “Natural” in the saddle. Welcome Home!
Kathy Koontz ,
Welcome home! What an inspiration you are to people all over the globe!
Laurie Prophater ,
Welcome home Cynthia. Loved following your adventures.
Kristie Foss ,
Welcome back! You truly are a good-will ambassador. We’re glad to have you home, and look forward to hearing more about your travels.
Welcome home, Cynthia. It was a pleasure to tag along on your travels.
Jackie ,
Lovely to see you back, looking forward to reading more about yourtravels it all sounds wonderful!
Alice Stroppel ,
Welcome home, can’t wait to hear all about it. Bring pictures and goodies to show and tell. I know you will.
Lynda Moseley ,
Yay, you’re back! Welcome home, Cynthia. We missed you!
Mary Kaye Waterson ,
I’m so glad you enjoyed your trip. Selfishly, I’m so glad you’re back – missed you terribly!
I’ve missed your posts, so very much. What a touching and loving gift to take with you…. knowing you’d give it away. Namaste
Mary Anne Loveless ,
You are more than an artistic inspiration, Cynthia. So glad you’re back.
Welcome Home Cynthia !!! Cant wait to hear the stories from your Adventure !!
I am very happy that you are back, I hope you have had a beautifull hollyday. I missed you very much. Many greetings. Mieke. Limburg_Holland
It is good to have you back. I missed my daily clay with you.
What a brilliant and lovely idea and what a surprise for those who asked. An American kata!
Karen Price ,
What a lovely way to share yourself with the world. And now you’re back and all is well with the world of polymer clay.
Jill Curran ,
What a marvellous experience you must have had!! Your daily dose of inspiration here has been missed, but what wide ripples you have created for the people you met on your travels!!
Barb Alexander ,
Always the generous soul…what a lovely gesture of goodwill and friendship. Yes, we missed you but we’re so glad you had this well-deserved break. Welcome home!
Your work for we polymeristas in the states AND in the world at large is so appreciated, Cynthia! Mornings just haven’t been the same without a fresh Polymer Clay Daily posting to salivate over. Your absence truly did make our hearts grow fonder!
Welcome home! Today when I opened PCD and saw your new post, a lifeline re-opened! I love the inspiration you provide polymer artists around the world, and was touched by the story of your precious gifts to those you met along the way. So good to have you back safe and sound!
Claire Fairweather ,
Welcome back, Cynthia – we’ve missed you!
carole ,
Great to have you back! Thanks for sharing yoyr beautiful adventure with us!
What a generous spirt you and your husband shared with the people of Tibet. Those simple gifts will be treasured for more years than you can imagine.
Wendy Moore ,
Hardik swagatam lovely Cynthia and no pressure but WE CAN’T WAIT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT! So glad you are back safe and sound and that you had such an amazing trip. And lovely for all you travelled with and visited. Savour those warm showers and a regular internet connection. We missed you. Hugs, Wendy
Welcome back we all missed you . What a fantastic idea your gifts are. Look forward to hearing about your travels
dayle doroshow ,
you are truly an amazing woman! can’t wait to hear and see more.
You will not be forgotten as you left a part of your heart behind. That was such a sweet thing to do! I’m going to miss the Mammoth Cave retreat this year, but know that all will be inspired by your work and talks! So glad you are back safely~~and refreshed~ Your fans have missed you~
Back in the saddle indeed. Looking good.
Angeli Del Rosario (Beadlady Manila) ,
I love the idea of giving away a piece of yourself to people you meet in your travels.
Welcome back!