To meet his quota of 10-12 polymer heart pins each day, Ron Lehocky has to get up early (we shot this video at 7:00 a.m.) and take advantage of every spare moment.
Funny how that daily quota has added up to 27,000 hearts in 9 years! All the proceeds support the Kentucky Kids Center where he is also a physician.
Used to the routine, Ron’s hands moved gracefully and effortlessly as we chatted. He’s refined his process to 3 steps which he shows in this demo. A few hundred hearts are always waiting for sanding and finishing which he does as he watches TV or listens to music. To purchase hearts, contact Ron on Facebook or via email. Watch the video here.
In this weekend’s StudioMojo, Ron continues talking about his studio habits, his motivation, and his own designs. Join us on StudioMojo if you’d like more.

Sunday school
Those of us who love both technology and polymer are ecstatic that Mags Bonham will teach an online Craftcast class that explains how to cut polymer using the computer and a Silhouette Cameo printer/cutter. That’s on Sunday at 12:00 noon (EST). I plan to be in the front row (virtually) with the rest of you artist/nerds.
Thanks so much Cynthia for all the support you give me and this project. And thank you for helping me tell my story. What a wonderful treat on this Halloween morning. I am so grateful for your friendship.
Love it! Thanks for sharing the process and inspiring us!!
Mari O'Dell ,
Ron is an inspiration and a reminder to all of us to pay it forward and give back to our communities in thanks for all that creating with polymer has given us. This bright, funny and generous man is a living treasure.
I am so very blessed to call Ron Lehocky my dear friend and fellow artist. You will never meet a more kind and giving man. He has raised over a quarter of a million dollars for “The Kentucky Kids Center!” A one man operation from beginning to end truly putting a “Piece of his own heart” into each and every creation.
I loved seeing you in action Ron. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and techniques with us. I am looking forward to seeing more about you tomorrow! Thank you for all that you do for the Kentucky Kids Center!
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
We shared a class at ARCHES and he is the nicest man. I cannot wait to see what he does with the Tiger, leopard, giraffe and zebra canes I gave him. Great post.
Cynthia, thanks for interviewing Ron and letting him tell his story. Ron, thanks for all you do for the kids at Kentucky Kids Center, and thanks for sharing your talents with us.
tejae ,
What a precious man Ron is. So nice of him to share. Loved seeing this, made my day on so many levels!
You’re pretty awesome too Cynthia.
Helen Breil ,
Ron, so generous of you to share your techniques. As if you are not generous enough! A great video of you in action. Cynthia thanks for capturing a glimpse of Ron’s incredible talent for all of us to see. Love you both for all you do for the polymer community and beyond!
Thank you so much to Dr. Lehocky! Really wonderful of him to share how he does his hearts!
Katie ,
I so loved this article! Thank you for taking the time to share Ron’s passion and a giant HUG to Ron who so generously gives & shares his time, talent, & energy.