Arizona’s Marlene Brady likes big beads. In this case they’re chunky ceramic-looking polymer beads with loads of texture.
This is as large as she’s let herself go since the textures and layers of colors add visual weight. Does she dare go bigger? When you’re having fun, it’s hard to pull back on the reins!
Marlene Brady ,
What an indescribable feeling; thank you Cynthia! I know how much work it was to put those necklaces on a white background! Thank you. I’m so very grateful and happy. -Marlene
wow these are sensational Marlene. Great necklaces and thanks so much for sharing these today Cynthia. Love them.
Kristie Foss ,
Way to go, Marlene! It looks like you are having a wonderful time exploring and pushing forward! I’ll be checking your blog to see what’s coming next – can’t wait!
Wonderful necklace! I like the blend of organic and geometric. Would you mind sharing what you are using for stringing wire? Or do others have thoughts? I’ve been looking for a non-leather (vegan) substitute that has enough rigidity to hold shape well.