LA’s Caroline McFarlane-Watts is an English girl from the Oxfordshire countryside pursuing her dream in films. She helped build a miniature model of Hogsmeade village for Harry Potter and since then has worked in miniature scale sets for a wide range of projects. Her miniature works are sold in over 40 countries.
Caroline’s first experience was as a polymer miniature crazed 8 year old who wanted to win a scholarship to study art. “It took twenty years for this miniature hobby to become a big career move,” she explains.

Lately she’s been fixated on witches – Good Witches Bad Witches. So far she’s created the witches of Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland and France. Germany’s up next.
There’s so much fine work to look at on Caroline’s sites that you’ll thank me for saving this artist for your weekend reading.
You’ll want to travel through her world and admire works in progress on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and her own site.
Alice Stroppel ,
Caroline’s work is fantastic!
claire maunsell ,
Fabulous! Such imagination in the details…
Kathy Richardson ,
When I saw these fantastic witches on Face Book I knew it wouldn’t be long before they were featured here, and rightly so! They are so expressive and detailed that you just know there is a story to each one.
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
Yup! Thanks, big time.
Leanna Englert ,
Her characterizations are magnificent. These figures make me smile.
Becky Acosta ,
Love these! So detailed and expressive.
Swapna Dinesh ,
Her work is stunning.. I have been following her work for more than a year now…
Natalja Ivankova ,