Lorraine Vogel (WiredOrchid) brings us more breezy summer batiks. You can feel her home’s Florida influence in the leaves and flowers in her designs.
Lorraine’s been perfecting her own methods using inks and stamps in ways that go beyond shabby chic beads which rely on paints. She’s tried other rustic glazes and effects. She’s dabbled with carving polymer and coloring with washes.

After all that Lorraine has come up with a dyed fabric look that combines the techniques in a new way. She hints that she’ll develop a tutorial that will divulge how she uses inks to mimic the wax batik process so convincingly on polymer.
In the meanwhile, you can admire how she’s refined and evolved her methods on Flickr, Facebook and on her Etsy site.
Lynda Moseley ,
I am Lorraine’s biggest fan. The way she uses color is inspiring, and I love her design style. “Breezy Summer batiks” is the perfect description, Cynthia.
Bravo, Lorraine!
Deb Hart ,
I love Lorraine’s work! She has such a wonderful sense of style! Plus – she’s an awesome person!
Lorraine Vogel ,
There is nothing like opening your mail on a Monday morning and seeing that you’ve been featured on Cynthia’s site! Thank you so much, Cynthia (and Lynda for the very nice shout-out). You made my day! (week…month…year… 🙂
Barb Lessen ,
Batik revealed | Polymer Clay Daily ,
[…] responded to readers (PCD last featured her in June) with 15 pages of well written and beautifully photographed step-by-step […]