Ford/Forlano on PCDaily

Do you have color cravings? My mouth watered and my stomach said, “Yum, let’s eat that!” when I saw these polymer and silver donuts from Ford & Forlano’s booth at the Baltimore ACC show. (More new work here.)

Ford/Forlano on PCDaily

They’re not edible but those reds look mighty juicy and my system gets confused when bombarded by beauty. The earrings’ blues vibrated and hummed happily too.

If you’d like a calorie-free color snack, go sample the goodies on Dave and Steve’s site and Facebook page.

  • reply Beverly Chesterby ,

    Wow! My morning treat was to re-visit and poke around in the rich abundance of stunning creativity there. Dave and Steve are jewelry artists first and foremost who, oh by the way, happen to work in polymer clay. How on earth have they kept it at this level for 28 years? Thanks, not just for the myriad eye-yummies, but for the humbling example of discipline and work ethic!

    • reply Alison ,

      I love,Love, LOVE the color and texture of these!

      • reply joanne meller ,

        Ok, Cynthia, you have me totally psyched to see all of the fabulous offerings in Baltimore this weekend….so, I’m going! (a 2-hour ride from NJ, but worth it, right?) Thanks again for all the goodies you share here

        • reply David Forlano ,

          Thank you Cynthia.

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