Jana Roberts Benzon continues to unlock the texture secrets of polymer. She’s ruffled, crumpled and cut her pieces with laser-like precision. Still she felt compelled to push farther.
Now she’s whipped up frothy layers that undulate around this new bangle. Here she is on Facebook and Flickr.
Jana jots her ideas in marker on her glass work surface as she experiments. She uses her phone to take a picture of each step before she erases the writing and moves on.

No more lost steps or mystery processes. Documentation like this is a must if you’re an avid experimenter like Jana.
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
Yum … and she is a sweetheart too.
Love this technique.
jana r.b. ,
Cynthia, I love your ability to find spot-on descriptors…”frothy”….I’d have never thought of that, but it’s perfect. I’m often left blank when trying to succinctly label or describe something , so you may be my go-to person when I’m stumped :).
Thanks so very much for showing this piece…I really appreciate it. Love your blog, AND as I’ve told you, love Studio Mojo….everyone should sign up for this valuable gem!
This is a gorgeous piece/technique. The first thing I thought of is that it’s color is just the way I like my toasted marshmallows!