Thumbing through Elena Kalashnikov’s Flickr photos you’ll see how she’s taken popular techniques and given them her own spin.
She’s interpreted others’ designs with such exuberance and skill that it’s only a matter of time until she discovers something all her own.
These earrings have the luster of a silk kimono with gold and blue mokume gane pieces applied on top. Elena is Russian and lives in Israel. She started out making lace so it’s not surprising that her works have resonances of fabric and embroidery.
Your story is written in your collection of works. You might as well own it, capitalize on it and celebrate it.
Maine's Melanie West posts daily on Facebook about an astonishing array of artists that she's discovered. She rarely reveals what she's working on. But in a July feature, she shows a new series brooches that she calls Fabric Rocks. Polymer is involved but she's done a sleight of hand so…
That's what we'll do with Friday! We'll find somebody fresh and new and off the beaten path to keep our eye on. This week follow the UK's Grace Oliver (grace.oliver.designs). She's only been in business since June 2020 and already she's a standout with her extruded sculptural knots and decorative…
Texas' Tricia Dewey is a fresh face on this site. Her bio says she's a nurse and astronomer who's now pursuing an art degree. Lots of diverse interests and talents there and it shows on her site (she's also a web developer). New week, new name (she's already been in…
Marilyn Davenport ,
I like to do this, also. I like to make a technique my own.