Christie Friesen is possessed by Goolies, small polymer sculptures that fly from her fingers.
In Virginia an admiring crowd gathered around the oven, waiting to adopt the figments of Christi’s imagination. She really can’t say where or how the Goolies originate or what they mean. You can see on her Facebook page that she’s made legions of them. And they keep coming.
What do the gremlins, grouches and goofballs that live in your imagination look like? Have you ever tried to capture them in polymer?
They’re great fun!!!!
Bella ,
Great Christie, the make me smile double as , in the UK ‘goolies ‘ is the slang word for testicles!
“Goolie” is also British slang for “testicle”.?
Ha ha….freeing your goolies would mean something quite different here in the UK, ahem!!!
Apart from that, these are so funny – I very much like the way these have been coloured.
If men “freed their goolies” here in Australia, they’d be arrested for indecent exposure! Don’t bring your goolies here, Christie Friesen, because truly, we have lots of them already!
Wendy Moore ,
I am so glad you said that Shirley! Seeing the title of the post I immediately had freeballing images and was worried about what I’d see on PCD today. Always knew that Christie was a woman with goolies. (That’s a compliment here Christie!)
christi m friesen ,
thanks Wendy! totally taking it as a compliment! ;-D
christi m friesen ,
hee hee hee … i was made aware of the connotation that ‘goolie’ has in Australia and the UK (when i was going to teach this to a group of school kids and was quickly told we needed to find a new name for them… so it was ‘gremlins’ in Australia!), but i’ve called them goolies for so long, that any other name for them just doesn’t seem right… but then again, maybe knowing that there can be a double entendre is just a little bit of naughty fun….
Debbie Crothers ,
hahaha Christi gave me permission to teach these to kids when we did some schools workshops here in West Aus. We had to change the name to “Gremlins” otherwise we would have been in all sorts of trouble!! So funny. Nice to see Christi’s ghoulies being free. 🙂
It’s probably that blasted spellcheck, ghoulies is probably what you were looking for!!!!!
OMG, I can’t stop laughing from reading all the comments…
Well all your explanations have helped Christie avoid a balls-up.
Oh my gosh, these are so dang cute! Looks like you have another hit there Christi, and you beat me to it cuz I was just getting ready to invent them myself…not! lol, They are way too cool